Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Samsung Galaxy predictably coming to O2 UK

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdiSNAiD_yKrDA_M_E_0UEd8G5_Qdyrjk_VT27Jxu2et7u_wHCGJTD1RegSv0ZSAg6OjUUJTkALcKzv0mQH8jU_LpZvSK81SQUvX9_-LJ4ItWfk25ceoy9oeJLNL__zy_BnkhiGn7noB5k/" />

already being stocked by its German cousins, so it stands to
reason that O2's British outpost would be looking to carry the
mighty i7500 Galaxy from Samsung as well. Indeed, TechRadar is
reporting that O2 UK has confirmed that the Android-powered OLED
beast is on the way in August, though pricing is yet to be reported
in any official capacity; for comparison's sake, O2 Germany is
offering it for €69.99 (about $98) on contract, so we can
certainly imagine the new launch coming somewhere in the same
range. Then again, we can also imagine it being completely free on
the right plan, in which case we're packing our bags and filing for
our visas.

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