Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sprint's Samsung m850 Dash in the wild with sweet, action-packed motion blur

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9dBLdjDAWiw9fFfWzKKPPGuc9KHxbZZrP_P-rHEOTUVdfCYLUxchJvRHvjQ3caJOBGVyGw23MyMIwY-zyKbHNobjlMMePNjBh9xiLAVj9XH0ak5XS4Hn5j1dHAhBva-I5Kza7IqcqgSlR/" />

We'd just seen the m850 Dash
earn its FCC wings earlier today, and now here it is again --
this time in living color. Though we don't know whether it'll
ultimately end up trading the Dash name we've heard so far for more
familiar Instinct
branding, it goes without saying that the new model is a spiritual
member of the Instinct family, taking the curvy industrial design
first seen in the s30 to another
level. We'll admit, it's pretty -- but as we've said before, it
remains to be seen how relevant a phone like this will ultimately
be in the face of Android-powered
models from Sammy on Sprint in the same price range.

[Thanks, Matt]

Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, by the way: July 13, 2009

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj4FREBVjQuzBzrF5Rtmf0EM6Rs2_mu1sJgZ_uesG7N93yPPmKy4C9n20ZDh4nV1CbW3KJ_KlCqm4y1D5C-jqkex9q3ZQETdT-6u0tdk0r18aRDU_gxBL0DU5605e9sJ3iIGGRu2in6R4IV/" />Here's
some of the other stuff that happened in the wide world of mobile
for Monday, July 13th, 2009:

  • Samsung has href="http://www.samsung.com/it/consumer/detail/support.do?group=mobilephone&type=mobilephone&subtype=infotainment&model_nm=GT-I8910%2FM8&disp_nm=Samsung%20Omnia%20HD&language=&cate_type=all&dType=D&mType=SW&vType=&prd_ia_cd=01010200&model_cd=GT-I8910DKAITV&menu=download">
    released a new firmware for its i8910HD that enabled AAC audio
    while recording HD video. The problem? Right now, only Italian
    firmwares seem to be eligible for the update, which comes through
    Samsung's PC Studio app.

  • Excellent music identification app Shazam is href="http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20090713005515&newsLang=en">
    now available on the BlackBerry Storm. And let's be honest,
    Storm owners need all the entertainment they can get.

  • In France, the Samsung S5230 Player One has been href="http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobifrance.com%2Fnews%2F2009-07-13%2Fid15016%2FSamsung-PLAYER-ONE-by-Zadig-Voltaire%2F">
    re-released in Zadig & Voltaire livery; we've never heard
    of 'em, but we bet it's a big, important fashion house

  • NuevaSync recently href="http://nuevasync.blogspot.com/2009/07/push-e-mail-is-here.html">
    launched its interesting push email service, which simply uses
    IMAP IDLE on the back end and Exchange ActiveSync to connect to
    your device (because as push goes, more devices support EAS than

  • GSM / CDMA dual-band versions of the HTC href="http://www.telusmobility.com/en/ON/htc_snap_s510/index.shtml">
    Snap and href="http://www.telusmobility.com/en/ON/htc_touchpro2_t7379/index.shtml">
    Touch Pro2 have been confirmed for launch on Telus, though
    dates and pricing haven't been given.

Samsung InstinctQ gets WiFi certification, but what is it?

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOoJMaxkkAjVQo_zGDMyr62YvLmb2TSosIIBm6NCxCIrElDtFZ54QgLEBO3CyEd3pP1pcTJ6LMVVSOPbd_Sf4YhqCT-TeNdduDwH4FKyfPrpGce29UZ2GHOHQ-LsmefML76hYDU7gVptu3/" />

Thought that the upcoming
m850 was the end of the road for the Instinct series on Sprint?
Apparently not, seeing how a so-called m900 "InstinctQ" just nabbed
WiFi certification. Other than the fact that it's a "phone, dual
mode," we can't make much of it -- but we do know that
North American Samsungs starting with "SPH" are destined for
Sprint, and the InstinctQ name certainly jibes with that.
Cellpassion intriguingly claims that it could be packing
Android, which would makes some amount of sense considering that
Samsung and sprint are both getting into the android game and the
Instinct line is considered one of Sprint's hero brands. We're
going to hold off on waving the green flag of android victory until
we see some proof, but we're hopeful -- if not for our sake, than
for Sprint's. [Warning: PDF link]