Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sprint's Samsung m850 Dash in the wild with sweet, action-packed motion blur

src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9dBLdjDAWiw9fFfWzKKPPGuc9KHxbZZrP_P-rHEOTUVdfCYLUxchJvRHvjQ3caJOBGVyGw23MyMIwY-zyKbHNobjlMMePNjBh9xiLAVj9XH0ak5XS4Hn5j1dHAhBva-I5Kza7IqcqgSlR/" />

We'd just seen the m850 Dash
earn its FCC wings earlier today, and now here it is again --
this time in living color. Though we don't know whether it'll
ultimately end up trading the Dash name we've heard so far for more
familiar Instinct
branding, it goes without saying that the new model is a spiritual
member of the Instinct family, taking the curvy industrial design
first seen in the s30 to another
level. We'll admit, it's pretty -- but as we've said before, it
remains to be seen how relevant a phone like this will ultimately
be in the face of Android-powered
models from Sammy on Sprint in the same price range.

[Thanks, Matt]

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